Back Pain - Assessment, Diagnosis &Treatment
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Rehabilitation for Lower back Pain


Both our Manchester  and Bolton clinic have a experienced  rehabilitation therapists to help with prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of lower back pain.

If you have injured your low back at home, in the garden, through driving or in sports you need to:


Prevent further injury by stopping the activity concerned particularly impact sports like running, football, judo, tennis , or manage the intensity if it is difficult to stop particular at work.  


The first treatment for initial injuries is to stop/reduce the swelling and manage the pain using R.I.C.E.


R.I.C.E - rest, ice, compression and elevation, this is the primary treatment for acute soft tissue injury, where practical.
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Visit your sports injury rehabilitation therapist even more so if the injury is persisting or no change in pain is noticed, if its not going you need to know why. A proper diagnosis is needed as further assessment or investigation such as a scan or X-ray maybe required,

After rehabilitation treatment for any injury whether it be lower back, neck injury, hamstring strain or knee injury a graded return to exercise has to be in place, if training is returned too to quickly a minor injury may become a long term problem, and no one wants a niggle to become a long standing and irritating problem that stops you from training or gives you pain constantly at work.

Sports injury rehabilitation therapists are not only concerned with treatment and management, but also prevention and good training practice with a return to activity quickly and safely for a pain free and healthy body.

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