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Osteopathy - An Osteopathic approach to Lower Back Pain


What is Osteopathy

What happens when seeing an Osteopath

A typical visit to an Osteopath

Where are our Osteopathic Clinics

What is Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a long established, recognised system of diagnosis and treatment, with an underlying philosophy that the body has a natural tendency to heal itself but this can be disrupted by imbalances in the musculoskeletal system, this in basic terms means if the body is used badly the muscles will be out of balance with uneven pressure onto the joints. This has many implications as injury can be caused simply by not being fit for purpose or activity, this is very obvious when considering exercise such as weights, football or hiking, unfortunately the principles of working with our daily activities is not always obvious, such as gardening for a day or even driving long periods. The better our health, strength, flexibility and overall fitness the quicker recovery time and rehabilitation, and when considering exercise remember its purpose, if you have a job which requires lifting and reaching into awkward places such as an electrician, gardener or looking after young children then you need an activity to improve and maintain flexibility, mobility and strength, this will reduce your chance of injury not just at home, but work and sport.

What happens when seeing an Osteopath

Registered osteopaths take a consultation and use many orthopaedic assessments which are common to osteopaths and doctors, a bio-mechanical assessment is performed looking at body function and structure. On completion a specific treatment plan is followed and regularly reassessed for optimum recovery. Osteopaths look to restore how the body functions so to reduce/eliminate symptoms and improve health.

The following is considered with an osteopathic approach

Health past and present

Muscular imbalances




Osteopaths believe that given the right environment a body will try to heal itself and assist this process utilising massage, soft tissue techniques and manipulation, with exercise for addressing imbalances and rehabilitation on a functional basis.

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A Typical visit to an osteopathic clinic:

The osteopath will have an In depth discussion of presenting symptoms, this confirms which tissues are involves, muscle, joint, disc or nerves etc. Osteopaths then take a full medical consultation; past which may influence their present health such as work injuries or back pain from a road traffic accident, and present health to separate any differential diagnosis which may contra-indicate osteopathic treatment or mimic a muscular-skeletal condition, an example could be kidney problems which can give a dull ache or pain into the lower back. A physical examination is undertaken by the osteopath to highlight body movement, function, restrictions and imbalances.

The approach to osteopathic treatment can vary from osteopath to osteopath however it will involve physical modules such as massage, osteopathic manipulation and soft tissue techniques to improve movement and function. Exercise programs are prescribed for addressing imbalances and rehabilitation on a functional basis and are a very important aspect of osteopathic treatment.

If the osteopath is to improve movement and function then we need to keep it moving considering lifestyle changes such as postural influences which may include work activities like sitting or standing long periods or leaning over worktops etc, and dietary advice where necessary.

Osteopaths work closely with doctors and other therapists referring when necessary and are more than happy to write reports for other therapists and doctors informing what they have found, treated and any recommendations.

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Where are our Osteopathic clinics

Our osteopathic clinics are in Manchester and Bolton, both have male and female osteopaths, and use various treatment approaches and techniques to help conditions such as sciatica, low back pain, knee pain, foot pain, migraines, sports injuries and repetitive strain injury.

If you are uncertain if osteopathic treatment is for you please call and speak to one of our osteopaths who will be happy to discuss your needs or treatment.

Bolton: 01204 552 133 Manchester: 0161 855 2358

Manchester Osteopaths and Deansgate Osteopathic Clinic are part of Body Management Consultancy